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NR. 1. Riccardo Broschi

Artaserse/Aria - Son qual nave ch'agitata, 1734 London

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 2. Giovanni Bononcini

Griselda/Aria - Per la gloria d’adorarvi, 1722 London 

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Royal Academy of Music London, MS 90

NR. 3. Giovanni Battista Lampugnani

Meraspe/Aria - Superbo di me stesso, 1742 London 

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 4. Niccolò Piccinni

La buona figliuola (Cecchina)/Aria - Furie di donna irata, 1760 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus. 3264-F-9

NR. 5. Carl Heinrich Graun

Orfeo/Aria - In mirar la mia sventura, 1752 Berlin

Orchestration: Alto, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 6. Carl Heinrich Graun

Britannico/Aria - Mi paventi il figlio, 1751 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Am.B 205 

NR. 7. Riccardo Broschi

Idaspe/Aria - Qual guerriero in campo armato, 1730 Venezia

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs. 18281.  

NR. 8. Tomaso Albinoni

Il nascimento dell'Aurora/Aria - Questa fronda, ?1710 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs. 17738.  

NR. 9. Leonardo Vinci

Artaserse/Aria - Vo solcando un mar crudele, 1730 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.3.12. 

NR. 10. Antonio Vivaldi

Farnace/Aria - Gelido in ogni vena, 1731 Pavia

Orchestration: Tenor, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, MS Giordano 36

NR. 11. Antonio Vivaldi

Griselda/Aria - Agitata da due venti, 1735 Venezia

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nationale di Torino, Mss.60.II.Vivaldi.16 1 4.2

NR. 12. Riccardo Broschi

Idaspe/Aria - Ombra fedele, 1730, Venezia

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs. 18281.  

NR. 13. Carl Heinrich Graun

Cesare e Cleopatra/Ouvertura, 1742 Berlin

Orchestration: 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2953-F-2.

NR. 14. Nicola Porpora

Semiramide riconosciuta/Aria - Talor se il vento freme, 1739 Napoli

Orchestration: Tenor, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2417-F-2.

NR. 15. Nicola Porpora

Semiramide riconosciuta/Aria - Passaggier, 1739 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2417-F-2. 

NR. 16. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi

Adriano in Siria/Aria - Torbido in volto, 1734 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, I - strings and b.c., II - 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.5.19-20

NR. 17. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi

Adriano in Siria/Aria - Lieto così talvolta, 1734 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, 1 oboe, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.5.19-20


NR. 18. Leonardo Vinci

Semiramide riconosciuta/Aria - In braccio a mille furie, 1729 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 trumpets, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.3.18.

NR. 19. Johann Adolph Hasse

Cleofide/Aria - Generoso risvegliati o core, 1731 Dresden

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2477-F-9.

NR. 20. Johann Adolph Hasse

Cleofide/Aria - Son qual misera colomba, 1731 Dresden

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2477-F-9

NR. 21. Carl Heinrich Graun

Cesare e Cleopatra/Aria - Voglio strage e sangue voglio, 1742 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2953-F-2.

NR. 22. Carl Heinrich Graun

Cesare e Cleopatra/Aria - Quel che lontano dal bene amato, 1742 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2953-F-2.

NR. 23. Giovanni Bononcini

Astarto/Aria - L'onor severo, 1720 London

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 24. Carl Heinrich Graun

Cesare e Cleopatra/Aria - Sopportar non devo, 1742 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2953-F-2.

NR. 25. Giovanni Bononcini

Astarto/Duetto - Mio caro ben, 1720 London

Orchestration: 2 Sopranos, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 26. Maria Antonia Walpurgis

Talestri/Ouvertura, 1763 Dresden

Orchestration: 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.3199-F-2.

NR. 27. Niccolò Piccinni

Catone in Utica/Aria - Vento che ascoso freme, 1770 Mannheim

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari Corn. 1.23-25.

NR. 28. Carl Heinrich Graun

Cesare e Cleopatra/Aria - Se avvien che si posi, 1742 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2953-F-2.

NR. 29. Nicola Porpora

Semiramide riconosciuta/Ouvertura, 1739 Napoli

Orchestration: 2 oboes, 1 bassoon, 2 trumpets, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2417-F-2.

NR. 30. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi

Adriano in Siria/Ouvertura, 1734 Napoli

Orchestration:  2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.5.19-20.

NR. 31. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi

Adriano in Siria/Aria - Sul mio cor, 1734 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.5.19-20.

NR. 32. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi

Adriano in Siria/Aria - Splenda per voi sereno, 1734 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.5.19-20.

NR. 33. Giovanni Bononcini

Griselda/Ouvertura, 1722 London 

Orchestration: 2 oboes, 1 bassoon, 2 trumpets, timpani, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 34. Giovanni Bononcini

Griselda/Aria - Timor e speme, 1722 London 

Orchestration: Bass, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 35. Giovanni Bononcini

Griselda/Aria - Si già sento, 1722 London 

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 36. Giovanni Bononcini

Muzio Scevola/Ouvertura, 1710 Wien

Orchestration: 2 oboes, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.18269. 

NR. 37. Giovanni Bononcini

Astarto/Aria - Si perirà, 1720 London

Orchestration: Bass, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 38. Giovanni Bononcini

Astarto/Aria - Con disperato sdegno, 1720 London

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 39. Riccardo Broschi

Idaspe/Ouvertura, 1730 Venezia

Orchestration: 2 oboes, 2 trumpets, 2 horns, timpani, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs. 18281.  

NR. 40. Riccardo Broschi

Idaspe/Aria - Tutto amore, 1730 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs. 18281.  

NR. 41. Riccardo Broschi

Idaspe/Aria - Vado anch'io, 1730 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs. 18281.  

NR. 42. Riccardo Broschi

Idaspe/Terzetto - A un'alma infelice, 1730 Venezia

Orchestration: 2 sopranos, alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs. 18281.  

NR. 43. Carl Heinrich Graun

Cesare e Cleopatra/Aria - Tra le procelle assorto, 1742 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2953-F-2. 

NR. 44. Carl Heinrich Graun

Cesare e Cleopatra/Aria - Ah, dirti non poss'io, 1742 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2953-F-2. 

NR. 45. Maria Antonia Walpurgis

Talestri/Aria - Vieni al trono, 1763 Dresden

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.3199-F-2.

NR. 46. Leonardo Vinci

Catone in Utica/Aria - Se in campo armato, 1728 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 1 trumpet, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.3.15.

NR. 47. Leonardo Vinci

Catone in Utica/Aria - Quell'amor che poco accende, 1728 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.3.15.

NR. 48. Maria Antonia Walpurgis

Talestri/Aria - Ad abbracciar l'amico, 1763 Dresden

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.3199-F-2.

NR. 49. Johann Adolph Hasse

Marc Antonio e Cleopatra/Ouvertura, 1725 Napoli

Orchestration: Strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, SA.68.B.33.

NR. 50. Johann Adolph Hasse

Marc Antonio e Cleopatra/Aria - Morte col fiero aspetto, 1725 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, SA.68.B.33.

NR. 51. Johann Adolph Hasse

Marc Antonio e Cleopatra/Aria - Quel candido armellino, 1725 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, SA.68.B.33.

NR. 52. Carl Heinrich Graun

Orfeo/Aria - Un così grand'ardire, 1752 Berlin

Orchestration: Tenor, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 53. Carl Heinrich Graun

Orfeo/Recitativo ed Aria - Mio bel nume, 1752 Berlin

Orchestration: alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 54. Carl Heinrich Graun

Cesare e Cleopatra/Aria - Strappare al nemico, 1742 Berlin

Orchestration: Bass, 2 hornas, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2953-F-2. 

NR. 55. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi

Adriano in Siria/Aria - Prigioniera abbandonata, 1734 Napoli

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.5.19-20.

NR. 56. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi

Adriano in Siria/Aria - Sprezza il furor del vento, 1734 Napoli

Orchestration: Tenor, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.5.19-20.

NR. 57. Nicola Porpora

Angelica/Aria - Non cerchi innamorarsi, 1720 Napoli

Orchestration: Bass, 2 oboes, 1 bassoon, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17050.

NR. 58. Johann Adolph Hasse

Arminio/Aria - O svenato nel tuo petto, 1730 Milano

Orchestration: Bass, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source:  Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, Musique VM7-7694.

NR. 59. Tomaso Albinoni

Il nascimento dell'Aurora/Ouvertura, ?1710 Venezia

Orchestration: Strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs. 17738.  

NR. 60. Tomaso Albinoni

Il nascimento dell'Aurora/Aria - Con cetra più sonora, ?1710 Venezia

Orchestration: Alto, arciliuto and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs. 17738.  

NR. 61. Tomaso Albinoni

Il nascimento dell'Aurora/Aria - Se incontrate tempeste, ?1710 Venezia

Orchestration: Tenor, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs. 17738.  

NR. 62. Tomaso Albinoni

Il nascimento dell'Aurora/Aria - Se l'alba io scorderò, ?1710 Venezia

Orchestration: Tenor, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs. 17738.  

NR. 63. Tomaso Albinoni

Il nascimento dell'Aurora/Aria - Aure andate e baciate, ?1710 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs. 17738.  

NR. 64. Tomaso Albinoni

Eraclea/Aria - Dopo i nembi e le procelle, 1705 Genova

Orchestration: Soprano, mandolin, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Cantate 2.2.  

NR. 65. Tomaso Albinoni

Statira/Ouvertura, 1726 Roma

Orchestration: 2 oboes, 2 trumpets, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.18693. 

NR. 66. Tomaso Albinoni

Statira/Aria - Vien con nuova orribil guerra, 1726 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 trumpets, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.18693. 

NR. 67. Tomaso Albinoni

Statira/Aria - Già per darmi la vittoria, 1726 Roma

Orchestration: Tenor, trumpet, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.18693. 

NR. 68. Giovanni Battista Ferrandini

Catone in Utica/Aria - Se in campo armato, 1753 München

Orchestration: Soprano, trumpet, strings and b.c.

Source: Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, N.I.10282a-c.

NR. 69. Tomaso Albinoni

Statira/Aria - D'un barbaro d'un empio, 1726 Roma

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.18693. 

NR. 70. Nicola Porpora

 Semiramide riclnosciuta/Aria - In braccio a mille furie, 1729 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Royal Academy of Music London, MS 81  

NR. 71. Francesco Maria Veracini

Adriano in Siria/Aria - Amor, dover, rispetto, 1735 London

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, 2 trumpets, strings and b.c.

Source: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München, 143

NR. 72. Francesco Maria Veracini

Adriano in Siria/Aria - Quel cor, che mi donasti, 1735 London

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München, 143

NR. 73. Tomaso Albinoni

Statira/Aria - Vo fastoso al gran cimento, 1726 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.18693. 

NR. 74. Tomaso Albinoni

Statira/Aria - Pensa che sei il sole, 1726 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.18693. 

NR. 75. Tomaso Albinoni

Statira/Aria - In un istesso istante, 1726 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.18693. 

NR. 76. Leonardo Vinci

Rosmira fedele/Aria - Vuol tornare alla sua sponda, 1725 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles, 15179

NR. 77. Alessandro Scarlatti

Il prigioniero fortunato/Aria - Ondeggiando agitato il pensiero, 1698 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, trumpet, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.1.14

NR. 78. Alessandro Scarlatti

Il prigioniero fortunato/Ouvertura, 1698 Napoli

Orchestration: 4 trumpets, bassoon, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.1.14

NR. 79. Attilio Ariosti

Scipione africano/Aria - Bella mia lascia ch'io vada, 1704 Wien

Orchestration: Alto, tiorba and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.16276.

NR. 80. Attilio Ariosti

Scipione africano/Ouvertura, 1704 Wien

Orchestration: Strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.16276.

NR. 81. Attilio Ariosti

Scipione africano/Duetto - Crudel tromba, 1704 Wien

Orchestration: 2 sopranos, trumpet, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.16276.

NR. 82. Attilio Ariosti

Scipione africano/Aria - Ogni bene in ciel, 1704 Wien

Orchestration: Bass, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.16276.

NR. 83. Attilio Ariosti

Scipione africano/Aria - Ho core anch'io, 1704 Wien

Orchestration: Tenor, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.16276.

NR. 84. Attilio Ariosti

Scipione africano/Aria - Bello è su' gl'occhi, 1704 Wien

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.16276.

NR. 85. Egidio Romualdo Duni

Catone in Utica/Aria - Chi un dolce amor condanna, 1739 Firenze

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Nacional de España Madrid, M.2373-2375

NR. 86. Egidio Romualdo Duni

Catone in Utica/Aria - Se in campo armato, 1739 Firenze

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Nacional de España Madrid, M.2373-2375

NR. 87. Antonio Vivaldi

Catone in Utica/Aria - Se mai senti, 1737 Verona

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nationale di Torino, Ms. Foà 38

NR. 88. Antonio Vivaldi

Catone in Utica/Aria - Se in campo armato, 1737 Verona

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 trumpets, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nationale di Torino, Ms. Foà 38

NR. 89. Attilio Ariosti

Vespasiano/Ouvertura, 1724 London

Orchestration: Strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London 

NR. 90. Giovanni Bononcini

Xerse/Aria - Il cor e spera e teme, 1694 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, arciliuto, strings and b.c.

Source: British Library London, Add. 22102

NR. 91. Attilio Ariosti

Vespasiano/Aria - Combbatuta navicella, 1724 London

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London 

NR. 92. Attilio Ariosti

Vespasiano/Aria - Del caro mio tesoro, 1724 London

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London 

NR. 93. Attilio Ariosti

Vespasiano/Aria - Su fieri guerrieri, 1724 London

Orchestration: Bass, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London 

NR. 94. Attilio Ariosti

Vespasiano/Aria - La tortorella fida e costante, 1724 London

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London 

NR. 95. Domenico Natale Sarro

Achille in Sciro/Aria - Se un core annodi, 1737 Napoli

Orchestration: Alto, mandolin and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.2.1

NR. 96. Johann Christian Bach

Catone in Utica/Aria - Quell'amor che poco accende, 1761 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, 24.5.22-23

NR. 97. Johann Christian Bach

Catone in Utica/Aria - Se in campo armato, 1761 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 trumpets, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, 24.5.22-23

NR. 98. Carl Heinrich Graun

Catone in Utica/Aria - Soffre talor del vento, 1743 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, Musique D-5000

NR. 99. Carl Heinrich Graun

Catone in Utica/Aria - Intendo il tuo timore, 1743 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, Musique D-5000

NR. 100. Johann Adolph Hasse

Cleofide/Aria - Cervo al bosco, 1731 Dresden

Orchestration: Alto, horn, arciliuto, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2477-F-9

NR. 101. Niccolò Piccinni

Cesare in Egitto/Aria - Serena nell'alma la pace, 1770 Milano

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 2.1.13-14.

NR. 102. Alessandro Scarlatti

Telemaco/Aria - Vendetta, vendetta, 1718 Napoli

Orchestration: Alto, trumpet, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.16487.

NR. 103. Antonio Caldara

La concordia de' pianeti/Aria - Da mia tromba, 1723 Wien

Orchestration: Alto, trumpet, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17138

NR. 104. Antonio Lotti

Teofane/Aria - Lascia che nel suo viso, 1719 Dresden

Orchestration: Soprano, mandolin and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2159-F-7

NR. 105. Nicola Porpora

Polifemo/Aria - Alto Giove, 1735 London

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: The British Library London, R.M.23.a.7-9.

NR. 106. Nicola Porpora

Polifemo/Terzetto - La gioia immortal, 1735 London

Orchestration: 2 sopranos, alto, strings and b.c.

Source: The British Library London, R.M.23.a.7-9.

NR. 107. Johann Christian Bach

Orfeo/Aria- La legge accetto, 1774 Napoli

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, 2 oboes, 2 trumpets, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca del Conservatorio di musica Napoli, 27-1-1

NR. 108. Riccardo Broschi

Artaserse/Aria- Se al labbro mio non credi, 1734 London

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 109. Nicola Porpora

Orfeo/Aria- Dall'amor più sventurato, 1736 London

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 110. Nicola Porpora

Orfeo/Aria- Sempre a si vaghi rai, 1736 London

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 111. Carl Heinrich Graun

Orfeo/Ouvertura, 1752 Berlin

Orchestration: 2 flutes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 112. Carl Heinrich Graun

Orfeo/Aria - Riconosco da te un dono, 1752 Berlin

Orchestration: Alto, 2 flutes, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 113. Giovanni Alberto Ristori

I lamenti d'Orfeo/Aria - Persa la speme, 1749 Dresden

Orchestration: Mezzos., 2 fl., 2 ob., 2 bsn., 2 hn., str. and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2455-L-3

NR. 114. Giovanni Alberto Ristori

I lamenti d'Orfeo/Aria - Rimirar l'amato oggetto, 1749 Dresden

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2455-L-3

NR. 115. Antonio Tozzi

Orfeo/Aria - Euridice idol mio, 1775 München

Orchestration: Alto, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.3398-F-1

NR. 116. Ferdinando Bertoni

Orfeo/Aria - Che farò senza Euridice, 1776 Venezia

Orchestration: Alto, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.3125-F-6

NR. 117. Giovanni Bononcini

Mario Fuggitivo/Aria - So, che i sospetti vanno, 1708 Wien

Orchestration: Soprano, strings, harpsichord obligato and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2193-F-2.

NR. 118. Attilio Ariosti

La fede ne' tradimenti/Aria - Questi ceppi, 1701 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Washington, The Library of Congress, M1500.A76 F3

NR. 119. Carl Heinrich Graun

Montezuma/Aria - Non saprei curare il vanto, 1755 Berlin

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 120. Nicola Porpora

Agrippina/Ouvertura, 1708 Napoli

Orchestration: Strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.2.15

NR. 121. Maria Antonia Walpurgis

Talestri/Aria - Io di quel sangue ho sete, 1763 Dresden

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.3199-F-2.

NR. 122. Maria Teresa Agnesi

Ulisse in Campania/Aria - Deh temprate, 1768 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, 21.2.22

NR. 123. Maria Teresa Agnesi

Ulisse in Campania/Aria - Scioglie le vele al vento, 1768 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, 21.2.22

NR. 124. Wilhelmine von Bayreuth

Argenore/Aria - Non dura una sventura, 1740 Bayreuth

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatliche Bibliothek Ansbach, VI g 44

NR. 125. Wilhelmine von Bayreuth

Argenore/Aria - Un certo freddo orrore, 1740 Bayreuth

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatliche Bibliothek Ansbach, VI g 44

NR. 126. Wilhelmine von Bayreuth

Argenore/Aria - Destrier, ch'all'armi usato, 1740 Bayreuth

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatliche Bibliothek Ansbach, VI g 44

NR. 127. Maria Teresa Agnesi

Ulisse in Campania/Aria - Spiran cangiati, 1768 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, 21.2.22

NR. 128. Maria Teresa Agnesi

Ulisse in Campania/Ouvertura, 1768 Napoli

Orchestration: 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, 21.2.22

NR. 129. Maria Antonia Walpurgis

Talestri/Aria - Pensa che ancora io posso punir, 1763 Dresden

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.3199-F-2.

NR. 130. Giuseppe Maria Orlandini

Nerone/Aria - Quella timida agneletta, 1721 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 131. Giovanni Bononcini

Astianatte/Aria - Difese mi giurasti 1727 London

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Private collection Cambridge, M1505.B724 A85

NR. 132. Francesco Maria Veracini

Adriano in Siria/Aria - Un lampo di speranza, 1735 London

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München, Mus.Ms.143

NR. 133. Nicola Porpora

Polifemo/Aria - Smanie d'affanno, 1735 London

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: British Library London, R.M.23.a.7-9

NR. 134. Johann Adoph Hasse

Euristeo/Aria - Per accrescer la pena, 1732 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus. 2477-F-14

NR. 135. Antonio Vivaldi

Scanderbeg/Aria - Fra catene, 1718 Firenze

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Nazionale Torino, MS FOA 28

NR. 136. Geminiano Giacomelli

Scipione/Aria - Speranza foriera, 1728 Parma

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Munich, 159

NR. 137. Domenico Natale Sarro

Artemisia/Aria - Tortorella abbandonata, 1731 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.2.3.

NR. 138. Geminiano Giacomelli

Scipione/Aria - Onda, che terso argento, 1728 Parma

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Munich, 159

NR. 139. Nicola Porpora

Enea nel Lazio/Aria - T'amo, vanne a trionfar, 1734 London

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: The British Library London,  R.M.23.a.1-3.

NR. 140. Johann Adolph Hasse

Artaserse/Aria - Conservati fedele, 1730 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: The Library od Congress Washington, M1500.H35A68

NR. 141. Giuseppe Maria Orlandini

Nerone/Aria - Lasciatemi in pace, 1721 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Mus.Ms.16370

NR. 142. Giovanni Bononcini

Astianatte/Aria - Deh, lascia o core, 1727 London

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Private collection Cambridge, M1505.B724 A85

NR. 143. Riccardo Broschi

Idaspe/Aria - Un certo, non so che, 1730 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs. 18281.

NR. 144. Domenico Natale Sarro

Artemisia/Aria - Voglio sperar, 1731 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.2.3.

NR. 145. Nicola Porpora

Arianna/Aria - Miseri, sventurati, 1734 London

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 146. Giuseppe Arena

La clemenza di Tito/Aria - Come potesti, oh Dio, 1738 Torino

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles, 3678

NR. 147. Giovanni Bononcini

Astarto/Aria - Torno alla patria, 1720 London

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 148. Antonio Lotti

Polidoro/Aria - Vendetta mi grida, 1715 Venezia

Orchestration: Alto, trumpet, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 6.5.12.

NR. 149. Giovanni Bononcini

Muzio Scevola/Aria - Tigre piagata, 1721 London

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Am.B 439b

NR. 150. Alessandro Scarlatti

Carlo Re d'Alemagna/Aria - Aure voi, che sussurrando, 1716 Napoli

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, SA.68.D.95.

NR. 151. Giuseppe Maria Orlandini

Amore e maestà/Aria - Tanta pace, 1715 Firenze

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, 16371

NR. 152. Attilio Ariosti

Caio Marzio Coriolano/Aria - Voi d'un figlio, 1723 London

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 153. Francesco Maria Veracini

Adriano in Siria/Aria - E vero ch'oppresso, 1735 London

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München,

NR. 154. Nicola Porpora

Il trionfo di Camilla/Aria - Va per le vene il sangue, 1740 Napoli

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2417-F-4

NR. 155. Nicola Porpora

Polifemo/Aria - Quel vasto, quel fiero, 1735 London

Orchestration: Alto, 2 oboes, 2 trumpets, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: The British Library London, R.M.23.a.7-9.

NR. 156. Nicola Porpora

Arianna in Nasso/Aria - Nume che reggi 'l mare, 1733 London

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 157. Nicola Porpora

Siface/Aria - Come nave in mezzo all'onde, 1730 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque royale Bruxelles, Ms 15451

NR. 158. Attilio Ariosti

Caio Marzio Coriolano/Aria - Io spero, 1723 London

Orchestration: Alto, 2 flutes, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 159. Antonio Lotti

Teofane/Aria - Discordi pensieri, 1719 Dresden

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2159-F-7

NR. 160. Antonio Lotti

Teofane/Aria - Dell'onda ai fieri moti, 1719 Dresden

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2159-F-7

NR. 161. Carl Heinrich Graun

Merope/Aria - Di questo lacciaro il lampo, 1756 Berlin

Orchestration: Alto, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Vienna, Mus.Hs.19205

NR. 162. Carl Heinrich Graun

Merope/Aria - Arbitra della sorte, 1756 Berlin

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Vienna, Mus.Hs.19205

NR. 163. Carl Heinrich Graun

Montezuma/Aria - Se il dovere, 1755 Berlin

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Am.B 209

NR. 164. Carl Heinrich Graun

Rodelinda/Aria - Quest' oh, Dio lugubre aspetto, 1741 Berlin

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 165. Carl Heinrich Graun

Artaserse/Aria - Sulle sponde, 1743 Berlin

Orchestration: Alto, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2953-F-10

NR. 166. Carl Heinrich Graun

Mitridate/Aria - Tema un offeso amore, 1751 Berlin

Orchestration: Alto, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, 8225/1

NR. 167. Carl Heinrich Graun

Mitridate/Aria - Sommi Dei, 1751 Berlin

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, 8225/1

NR. 168. Carl Heinrich Graun

Montezuma/Aria - Del mio destin tiranno, 1755 Berlin

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Am.B 209

NR. 169. Carl Heinrich Graun

Britannico/Aria - Temo, che turbi il core, 1751 Berlin

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, VM7-7292

NR. 170. Carl Heinrich Graun

Britannico/Aria - Vanne al rivale, 1751 Berlin

Orchestration: Alto, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, VM7-7292

NR. 171. Carl Heinrich Graun

Silla/Aria - Vago adorato oggetto, 1753 Berlin

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Am.B 207

NR. 172. Carl Heinrich Graun

Armida/Aria - M'agita il mio disdegno, 1751 Berlin

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 173. Brizio Petrucci

Demofoonte/Aria - Che mai risponderti, 1765 Lucca

Orchestration: Soprano, flautino, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Palatina Parma, Sanv.A.251

NR. 174. Christoph Willibald Gluck

Le feste d'Apollo/Aria - Il mio pastor tu sei, 1769 Parma

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Sing-Akademie zu Berlin, SA 939

NR. 175. Josef Myslivecek

Demetrio/Aria - Fra tanti pensieri, 1773 Pavia

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Mus.Ms. 1 N

NR. 176. Josef Myslivecek

Demetrio/Aria - Agitata in tanti affanni, 1773 Pavia

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 trumpets, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Mus.Ms. 1 N

NR. 177. Felice Alessandri

Adriano in Siria/Aria - Se pietà di me non sente, 1779 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München, 

NR. 178. Giovanni Paisiello

Le nozze di Peleo e Tetide/Aria - Già ti vedo, 1768 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 trumpets, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella, Rari 3.4.3-4

NR. 179. Giuseppe Colla

Licida e Mopso/Aria - Raggio che tremolo vibri, 1769 Colorno

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Library of the University of Western Ontario

NR. 180. Giovanni Paisiello

Le nozze di Peleo e Tetide/Aria - Dalla fè de' nostri voti, 1768 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella, Rari 3.4.3-4

NR. 181. Carl Heinrich Graun

Cesare e Cleopatra/Aria - Parto qual navigante, 1742 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2953-F-2.

NR. 182. Carl Heinrich Graun

Rodelinda/Aria - Vorrei, che fosse mio quel cor, 1741 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 183. Carl Heinrich Graun

Rodelinda/Aria - Un nuovo amante tuo, 1741 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 184. Carl Heinrich Graun

Rodelinda/Aria - Quando t'amai ritrosa, 1741 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 185. Carl Heinrich Graun

Catone in Utica/Aria - Combattuta da tante vicende, 1743 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, Musique D-5000

NR. 186. Carl Heinrich Graun

Cajo Fabricio/Aria - Se tu non senti, oh Dio, 1746 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, VM7-7286

NR. 187. Carl Heinrich Graun

Merope/Aria - Col favor d'amica sorte, 1756 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Vienna, Mus.Hs.19205

NR. 188. Carl Heinrich Graun

I fratelli nemici/Aria - Nelle mie furie estreme, 1756 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Stadtbibliothek Leipzig, III.15.11

NR. 189. Carl Heinrich Graun

I fratelli nemici/Duetto - Colmo di gioia in petto, 1756 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Stadtbibliothek Leipzig, III.15.11

NR. 190. Carl Heinrich Graun

Montezuma/Aria - Sì, per la rea congiura, 1755 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Am.B 209

NR. 191. Carl Heinrich Graun

Montezuma/Aria - Vegga, che alfin gl'impone, 1755 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Am.B 209

NR. 192. Carl Heinrich Graun

Le feste galanti/Aria - Sento, che l'alma affanna, 1747 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, D-5004

NR. 193. Carl Heinrich Graun

Adriano in Siria/Aria - Barbaro non compredndo, 1746 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, D.5006

NR. 194. Carl Heinrich Graun

Adriano in Siria/Aria - Tutti nemici e rei, 1746 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, D.5006

NR. 195. Carl Heinrich Graun

Lucio Papirio/Aria - Non tema, non viltà, 1745 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, D.4923

NR. 196. Carl Heinrich Graun

Lucio Papirio/Aria - Questa fronte, 1745 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, D.4923

NR. 197. Carl Heinrich Graun

L'Europa galante/Aria - Già seguo l'empito, 1748 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 198. Carl Heinrich Graun

Demofoonte/Aria - Misero pargoletto, 1746 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Am.B 194

NR. 199. Carl Heinrich Graun

Demofoonte/Aria - Sperai vicino il lido, 1746 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Am.B 194

NR. 200. Carl Heinrich Graun

Fetonte/Duetto - Tralascia un vano amore, 1750 Berlin

Orchestration: 2 Sopranos, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, D.5001

NR. 201. Carl Heinrich Graun

Fetonte/Aria - Mi piace l'altero, 1750 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, D.5001

NR. 202. Carl Heinrich Graun

Coriolano/Aria - Cadrà il nemico, 1749 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, D.5003

NR. 203. Carl Heinrich Graun

Coriolano/Aria - Di questa spada al lampo, 1749 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, D.5003

NR. 204. Carl Heinrich Graun

Ifigenia in Aulide/Duetto - Segui pur giovane audace, 1748 Berlin

Orchestration: 2 Sopranos, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 205. Carl Heinrich Graun

Ifigenia in Aulide/Aria - Sforzerò l'avverso mare, 1748 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 206. Carl Heinrich Graun

Ifigenia in Aulide/Aria - O salverà la sposa, 1748 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 207. Carl Heinrich Graun

Alessandro e Poro/Aria - Se amore a questo petto, 1744 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, D.4997

NR. 208. Carl Heinrich Graun

Alessandro e Poro/Aria - D'un barbaro scortese, 1744 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, D.4997

NR. 209. Carl Heinrich Graun

Alessandro e Poro/Aria - Destrier che all'armi usato, 1744 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, D.4997

NR. 210. Carl Heinrich Graun

Semiramide/Aria - Brami vendetta e sangue, 1754 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 211. Leonardo Vinci

Gismondo/Terzetto - Dolce padre e Re pietoso, 1727 Roma

Orchestration: 2 Sopranos, Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Sing-Akademie zu Berlin, SA 1212

NR. 212. Nicola Porpora

Germanico/Terzetto - Temi lo sdegno mio, 1732 Roma

Orchestration: 2 Sopranos, Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca statale di Montecassino 1-A-15

NR. 213. Antonio Vivaldi

Tito Manlio/Aria - Di verde ulivo, 1719 Mantova

Orchestration: Soprano, violoncello and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, MS FOA 37

NR. 214. Antonio Vivaldi

Bajazet/Aria - Anch'il mar par che sommerga, 1735 Verona

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, MS Giordano 36

NR. 215. Johann Adolph Hasse

Ruggiero/Aria - Di quello ch'io provo, 1772 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.4.24-26

NR. 216. Johann Adolph Hasse

Viriate/Aria - Come nave in mezzo all'onde, 1739 Venezia

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi Milano,  Part. Tr. ms. 180

NR. 217. Johann Adolph Hasse

Artaserse/Aria - Parto qual pastorello, 1730 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Universitätsbibliothek Albertina Leipzig, N.I.10308

NR. 218. Johann Adolph Hasse

Artaserse/Ouvertura, 1730 Venezia

Orchestration: 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Universitätsbibliothek Albertina Leipzig, N.I.10308

NR. 219. Niccolò Jommelli

Caio Mario/Aria - Se perde l'usignolo, 1746 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, Violin solo, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.7.9-10

NR. 220. Johann Christian Bach

La clemenza di Scipione/Aria - Parto ma serbo in mente, 1778 London

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Welcker, London

NR. 221. Johann Christian Bach

Alessandro nell'Indie/Aria - Trafiggerò quel core, 1762 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, D-360/361

NR. 222. Domenico Cimarosa

Olimpiade/Aria - Superbo di me stesso, 1784 Vicenza

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 1.2.19-20

NR. 223. Josef Myslivecek

Olimpiade/Aria - Superbo di me stesso, 1778 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, 29.3.15-17 

NR. 224. Josef Myslivecek

Ezio/Aria - A tuo dispetto, 1775 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, 29.3.10-12

NR. 225. Giovanni Paisiello

Sismano in Mogol/Aria - Fra tanti affanni, 1773 Milano

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 trumpets, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 2.9.20-21 

NR. 226. Giovanni Paisiello

Demetrio/Aria - Scherza il nocchier, 1779 St. Peterburg

Orchestration: Soprano, 1 oboe, 1 bassoon, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 3.3.17-18.

NR. 227. Giovanni Paisiello

Motezuma/Aria - Nel mar di tanti affanni, 1772 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 2.8.17-18.

NR. 228. Antonio Salieri

La finta scema/Aria - Se spiegar potessi, 1775 Wien

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 1 bassoon, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17842/1-3

NR. 229. Johann Adolph Hasse

Il trionfo di Clelia/Aria - De' folgori di Giove, 1762 Wien

Orchestration: Alto, 2 oboes, 2 trumpets, 2 horns, timpani, strings and b.c.

Source: Universitätsbibliothek Albertina Leipzig, N.I.10287a-c

NR. 230. Johann Adolph Hasse

La clemenza di Tito/Aria - Vo disperato a morte, 1735 Pesaro

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.4.10

NR. 231. Johann Adolph Hasse

Artaserse/Aria - Pallido il sole, 1730 Venezia

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Universitätsbibliothek Albertina Leipzig, N.I.10308

NR. 232. Johann Adolph Hasse

Artaserse/Aria - Spiega i lini, 1740 Dresden

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.1-F-28,13

NR. 233. Johann Adolph Hasse

Marc Antonio e Cleopatra/Aria - Pur ch'io possa a te, 1725 Napoli

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, SA.68.B.33.

NR. 234. Johann Adolph Hasse

Siroe/Aria - Fra l'orror della tempesta, 1733 Bologna

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2477-F-16

NR. 235. Vicente Martín y Soler

Ifigenia in Aulide/Aria - Amor mi chiama, 1779 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, 28.3.25-27

NR. 236. Domenico Natale Sarro

Tito Sempronio/Aria - Quest' aspidi che aletto, 1725 Napoli

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, 7.2.12

NR. 237. Johann Adolph Hasse

Siroe/Aria - Che furia, che mostro, 1733 Bologna

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2477-F-16

NR. 238. Nicola Porpora

Semiramide/Aria - Tradita, sprezzata, 1739 Napoli

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2417-F-2.

NR. 239. Nicola Porpora

Statira/Aria - Non paventar quell' empio, 1742 Venezia

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2417-F-3

NR. 240. Gennaro Manna

Siroe/Aria - D'ogni amator, 1743 Venezia

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Oratoriana dei Gerolamini Napoli, Inv.№.698.

NR. 241. Leonardo Vinci

Medo/Aria - Guarda infido, 1728 Napoli

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca statale, Montecassino 1-A-18/20

NR. 242. Baldassare Galuppi

Artaserse/Aria - Conservati fedele, 1749 Wien

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, Musique D-4266.

NR. 243. Gennaro Manna

Siroe/Aria - Mostro perfido, 1743 Venezia

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Oratoriana dei Gerolamini Napoli, Inv.№.698.

NR. 244. Giovanni Alberto Ristori

Temistocle/Aria - A dispetto d'un tenero affetto, 1738 Napoli

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2455-F-6

NR. 245. Giovanni Alberto Ristori

Temistocle/Aria - Ah, si resti, 1738 Napoli

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2455-F-6

NR. 246. Carl Heinrich Graun

Merope/Aria - Ah, che dovunque movo, 1756 Berlin

Orchestration: Tenor, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Vienna, Mus.Hs.19205

NR. 247. Carl Heinrich Graun

Merope/Aria - Alle vendette i Numi, 1756 Berlin

Orchestration: Tenor, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Vienna, Mus.Hs.19205

NR. 248. Carl Heinrich Graun

Montezuma/Aria - Somiglia il buon Monarca, 1755 Berlin

Orchestration: Tenor, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Am.B 209

NR. 249. Carl Heinrich Graun

Montezuma/Aria - Passaggero che tenta la sorte, 1755 Berlin

Orchestration: Tenor, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Am.B 209

NR. 250. Carl Heinrich Graun

Alessandro e Poro/Aria - Mio ben ricordati, 1744 Berlin

Orchestration: Tenor, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, D.4997

NR. 251. Carl Heinrich Graun

Armida/Aria - Più che miro il tuo sembiante, 1751 Berlin

Orchestration: Tenor, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 252. Niccolò Jommelli

Semiramide/Aria - Sorge tal'ora al cielo, 1742 Venezia

Orchestration: Alto, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Württembergische Landesbibliothek Stuttgart, HB XVII 249a-c

NR. 253. Leonardo Leo

Zenobia/Aria - Guardami in volto e mira, 1725 Napoli

Orchestration: Alto, 2 oboes, 2 trumpets, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.3.9

NR. 254. Nicola Porpora

Statira/Aria - Veggo l'ombra di Ciro tradito, 1742 Venezia

Orchestration: Alto, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2417-F-3

NR. 255. Gennaro Manna

Siroe/Aria - Sgombra dall'anima, 1743 Venezia

Orchestration: Alto, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Oratoriana dei Gerolamini Napoli, Inv.№.698.

NR. 256. Antonio Lotti

Giove in Argo/Aria - In braccio al tuo spavento, 1717 Dresden

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2159-F-3.

NR. 257. Christoph Willibald Gluck

Semiramide/Aria - Tradita, sprezzata, 1748 Wien

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17793/1-3  

NR. 258. Domenico Cimarosa

Oreste/Aria - Ah, non giova quell' affanno, 1783 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 flutes, 2 trumpets, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, D.2137-2138

NR. 259. Domenico Cimarosa

Oreste/Aria - Cara parte del mio core, 1783 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 fl., 2 ho., 2 cl., bassoon, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, D.2137-2138

NR. 260. Giovanni Porta

Numitore/Ouvertura, 1720 London

Orchestration: 2 oboes, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 261. Antonio Salieri

Axur/Aria - Tenti invano, 1789 Dresden

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 ob., 2 tr., 2 ho., timp., strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.3796-F-16

NR. 262. Antonio Salieri

Semiramide/Aria - Non so, se più t'accendi 1782 München

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 bassoons, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München, 2523

NR. 263. Antonio Salieri

La grotta di Trofonio/Aria - La ra la ra, 1785 Wien

Orchestration: Soprano, flute, oboe, bassoon, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - Artaria, Wien

NR. 264. Carl Heinrich Graun

Ezio/Aria - Tergi le ingiuste lagrime, 1755 Berlin

Orchestration: Tenor, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2953-F-8.

NR. 265. Carl Heinrich Graun

Ezio/Aria - Va dal furor portata, 1755 Berlin

Orchestration: Tenor, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2953-F-8.

NR. 266. Carl Heinrich Graun

Silla/Aria - Invan mortale ardito, 1753 Berlin

Orchestration: Tenor, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Am.B 207

NR. 267. Carl Heinrich Graun

Britannico/Aria - Già in questo mare, 1751 Berlin

Orchestration: Tenor, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Am.B 205 

NR. 268. Carl Heinrich Graun

Ifigenia in Aulide/Aria - De' Dei lo spirito, 1748 Berlin

Orchestration: Tenor, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 269. Johann Adolph Hasse

Artaserse/Duetto - Tu vuoi ch'io viva, 1730 Venezia

Orchestration: 2 Sopranos, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.1-F-28,13

NR. 270. Johann Adolph Hasse

Artaserse/Aria - Fra cento affanni, 1730 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Universitätsbibliothek Albertina Leipzig, N.I.10308

NR. 271. Johann Adolph Hasse

Siroe/Aria - Spesso tra vaghe rose, 1733 Bologna

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2477-F-16 

NR. 272. Johann Adolph Hasse

Artaserse/Aria - Per questo dolce amplesso, 1730 Venezia

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Nazionale Venezia, MSM 10005 

NR. 273. Geminiano Giacomelli

Merope/Aria - Quell' usignolo, 1734 Venezia

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.19111 Nr.1

NR. 274. Geminiano Giacomelli

Merope/Aria - Sposa non mi conosci, 1734 Venezia

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, D-4630

NR. 275. Geminiano Giacomelli

Adriano in Siria/Aria - Amor, dover, rispetto, 1733 Venezia

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17566.

NR. 276. Geminiano Giacomelli

Adriano in Siria/Aria - Mancare o Dio mi sento, 1733 Venezia

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17566.

NR. 277. Leonardo Vinci

Medo/Aria - Sento due fiamme, 1728 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, 1 oboe, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca statale, Montecassino 1-A-18/20

NR. 278. Leonardo Vinci

Medo/Aria - Cervo in bosco, 1728 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca statale, Montecassino 1-A-18/20

NR. 279. Nicola Porpora

Poro/Aria - Destrier ch'all'armi usato, 1731 Torino

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, 2 trumpets, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, (7-11)

NR. 280. Nicola Porpora

Artaserse/Aria - Or la nube procellosa, 1734 London

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 281. Nicola Porpora

Polifemo/Aria - Senti il fato, 1735 London

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: The British Library London, R.M.23.a.7-9.

NR. 282. Nicola Porpora

Imeneo/Aria - Sorge nell' alma mia, 1723 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2417-F-1.

NR. 283. Francesco Araja

Berenice/Aria - Cadrò ma qual si mira, 1733 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles, 5259

NR. 284. Francesco Maria Veracini

Adriano in Siria/Aria - Già presso al termine, 1735 London

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München, 143

NR. 285. Francesco Maria Veracini

Adriano in Siria/Aria - Leon piagato a morte, 1735 London

Orchestration: Bass, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München, 143

NR. 286. Francesco Maria Veracini

Adriano in Siria/Aria - Sprezza il furor del vento, 1735 London

Orchestration: Bass, 2 oboes, strings and b.c.

Source: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München, 143

NR. 287. Giovanni Bononcini

Griselda/Aria - Eterni Dei narrate, 1722 London

Orchestration: Bass, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 288. Francesco Maria Veracini

Adriano in Siria/Ouvertura, 1735 London

Orchestration: 2 oboes, strings and b.c.

Source: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München, 143

NR. 289. Attilio Ariosti

Coriolano/Aria - Quella calma, 1723 London

Orchestration: Bass, bassoon, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 290. Carl Heinrich Graun

Rodelinda/Aria - Un padre amoroso, 1741 Berlin

Orchestration: Bass, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 291. Johann Adolph Hasse

Atalanta/Aria - Van ritegno, 1737 Dresden

Orchestration: Bass, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliotheca Albertina Leipzig, N.I.10306

NR. 292. Johann Adolph Hasse

Alfonso/Aria - Di tua perdita il dolore, 1738 Dresden

Orchestration: Bass, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2477-F-27

NR. 293. Johann Adolph Hasse

Numa Pompilio/Aria - Alti Dei, 1741 Dresden

Orchestration: Bass, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source:  Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2477-F-28

NR. 294. Johann Adolph Hasse

Antigono/Aria - Di due ciglia, 1743 Dresden

Orchestration: Bass, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliotheca Albertina Leipzig, N.I.10300

NR. 295. Johann Adolph Hasse

Ipermestra/Aria - Pensa che figlia sei, 1744 Dresden

Orchestration: Bass, strings and b.c.

Source:  Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2477-F-39

NR. 296. Antonio Vivaldi

Montezuma/Aria - Se prescritta è in questo giorno, 1733 Venezia

Orchestration: Bass, strings and b.c.

Source: Sing-Akademie zu Berlin, SA 1214

NR. 297. Antonio Vivaldi

Montezuma/Aria - Dov' è la figlia, 1743 Venezia

Orchestration: Bass, strings and b.c.

Source: Sing-Akademie zu Berlin, SA 1214 

NR. 298. Antonio Vivaldi

Tito Manlio/Aria - Se il cor guerriero, 1719 Mantova

Orchestration: Bass, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, MS FOA 37

NR. 299. Antonio Vivaldi

Tito Manlio/Aria - Orribile lo scempio, 1719 Mantova

Orchestration: Bass, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, MS FOA 37

NR. 300. Antonio Vivaldi

La fida ninfa/Aria - Chi dal cielo, 1732 Verona

Orchestration: Bass, trumpet, strings, timpani and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, MS FOA 39 bis

NR. 301. Antonio Vivaldi

La fida ninfa/Aria - Cor ritroso, 1732 Verona

Orchestration: Bass, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, MS FOA 39 bis

NR. 302. Antonio Lotti

Polidoro/Aria - Spera che la speranza, 1715 Venezia

Orchestration: Bass, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 6.5.12.

NR. 303. Antonio Lotti

Teofane/Aria - Del minacciar del vento, 1719 Dresden

Orchestration: Bass, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2159-F-7

NR. 304. Giuseppe Maria Orlandini

Nerone/Aria - Taci, sarai placato, 1721 Venezia

Orchestration: Bass, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Mus.Ms.16370

NR. 305. Johann David Heinichen

Flavio Crispo/Aria - All' empio il primo fulmine, 1719 Dresden

Orchestration: Bass, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2398-F-3

NR. 306. Nicola Porpora

Angelica/Aria - Bella Diva, 1721 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, violoncello and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17050.

NR. 307. Alessandro Scarlatti

Endimione e Cintia/Aria - Mi sembra di sognar, 1705 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, violoncello and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, 19650

NR. 308. Giovanni Bononcini

Polifemo/Aria - Stringelo pur al seno, 1703 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, violoncello and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, 2190

NR. 309. Giovanni Bononcini

Il ritorno di Giulio Cesare/Aria - Tu dal furor nemico, 1704 Wien

Orchestration: Soprano, violoncello and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.16019.

NR. 310. Antonio Caldara

Atenaide/Aria - Son colpevole, 1714 Wien

Orchestration: Soprano, violoncello and b.c.

Source: The Library of Congress Washington, M1500.C125 A6

NR. 311. Francesco Mancini

Alessandro il Grande/Aria - Puoi darti pace, 1706 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, violoncello and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio S. Pietro a Majella Npoli, Rari 7.1.25

NR. 312. Giovanni Bononcini

La gara delle quattro stagioni/Aria - Brilla in cielo, 1699 Wien

Orchestration: Soprano, tiorba and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.16024.

NR. 313. Francesco Mancini

Alessandro il Grande/Aria - Scherza l'alma, 1706 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, mandolino and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio S. Pietro a Majella Npoli, Rari 7.1.25

NR. 314. Giovanni Bononcini

Mario Fuggitivo/Aria - Non mi credi, 1708 Wien

Orchestration: Soprano, violoncello and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2193-F-2.

NR. 315. Josef Myslivecek

Armida/Aria - Il caro mio bene, 1779 Milano

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, 2 flutes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Stadtbibliothek Lübeck,  Mus. Q 258

NR. 316. Johann David Heinichen

Flavio Crispo/Aria - Io vorrei saper, 1719 Dresden

Orchestration: Soprano, lute, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2398-F-3

NR. 317. Antonio Caldara

Scipione nelle Spagne/Aria - Lieti amori, 1722 Wien

Orchestration: Alto, mandolin and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.18220.

NR. 318. Gennaro Manna

Achille in Sciro/Aria - Se un core annodi, 1745 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, mandolin, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.3105-F-1

NR. 319. Maria Teresa Agnesi

L'Insubria consolata/Ouvertura, 1766 Milano

Orchestration: 2 trumpets, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, D-12695

NR. 320. Maria Teresa Agnesi

L'Insubria consolata/Aria - Se tergi quel pianto, 1766 Milano

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, D-12695

NR. 321. Maria Teresa Agnesi

L'Insubria consolata/Aria - Se del porto, 1766 Milano

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, D-12695

NR. 322. Maria Antonia Walpurgis

Il trionfo della fedeltà/Ouvertura, 1754 Dresden

Orchestration: 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 horns, bassoon, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, 32.5.10

NR. 323. Maria Antonia Walpurgis

Il trionfo della fedeltà/Aria - Si, sperar tu sola puoi, 1754 Dresden

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, 32.5.10

NR. 324. Maria Antonia Walpurgis

Il trionfo della fedeltà/Aria - Vorrei punir l'indegno, 1754 Dresden

Orchestration: Soprano, oboe, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, 32.5.10

NR. 325. Maria Antonia Walpurgis

Il trionfo della fedeltà/Aria - Ah, per mia pace, 1754 Dresden

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, 32.5.10

NR. 326. Antonio Vivaldi

Giustino/Aria - Vedrò con mio diletto, 1724 Roma

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, MS FOA 34

NR. 327. Antonio Vivaldi

Giustino/Aria - Sento in seno, 1724 Roma

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, MS FOA 34

NR. 328. Antonio Vivaldi

Giustino/Ouvertura, 1724 Roma

Orchestration: Strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, MS FOA 34

NR. 329. Wilhelmine von Bayreuth

Argenore/Aria - Son qual per erma arena, 1740 Bayreuth

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatliche Bibliothek Ansbach, VI g 44

NR. 330. Wilhelmine von Bayreuth

Argenore/Aria - Scorre per l'onde irate, 1740 Bayreuth

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatliche Bibliothek Ansbach, VI g 44

NR. 331. Wilhelmine von Bayreuth

Argenore/Aria - S'avvien ch'il destin rio, 1740 Bayreuth

Orchestration: Soprano, flute, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatliche Bibliothek Ansbach, VI g 44

NR. 332. Johann Joseph Fux

Orfeo/Ouvertura, 1715 Wien

Orchestration: 2 Oboes, bassoon, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17231  

NR. 333. Johann Joseph Fux

Orfeo/Aria - Rondinella che tal volta, 1715 Wien

Orchestration: Soprano, violoncello and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17231  

NR. 334. Johann Joseph Fux

Orfeo/Felice io me n' andrò, 1715 Wien

Orchestration: Alto, tiorba, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17231  

NR. 335. Antonio Vivaldi

Giustino/Aria - Ho nel petto un cor, 1724 Roma

Orchestration: Alto, Salterio, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, MS FOA 34

NR. 336. Leonardo Vinci

Farnace/Aria Lascierò d'esser spietata, 1724 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, Salterio, strings and b.c.

Source: Sing-Akademie zu Berlin, SA 1211

NR. 337. Johann David Heinichen

Flavio Crispo/Ouvertura, 1719 Dresden

Orchestration: 2 Flute, 2 oboes, bassoon, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2398-F-3

NR. 338. Johann David Heinichen

Flavio Crispo/Aria - Arde fiera in ciel cometa, 1719 Dresden

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2398-F-3

NR. 339. Johann David Heinichen

Flavio Crispo/Aria - Che mia man porti, 1719 Dresden

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2398-F-3

NR. 340. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi

Olimpiade/Aria - Gemo in un punto e fremo, 1735 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 trumpets, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, 17180.1

NR. 341. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi

Olimpiade/Aria - Tu me da me dividi, 1735 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, RES VMB MS-106

NR. 342. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi

Olimpiade/Aria - Mentre dormi amor fomenti, 1735 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 343. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi

Olimpiade/Aria - Quel destrier, 1735 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 trumpets, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, RES VMB MS-106

NR. 344. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi

Olimpiade/Aria - Superbo di me stesso, 1735 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, 17180.1

NR. 345. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi

Salustia/Aria - Andrò ramingo e solo, 1731 Napoli

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, RES VMC MS-76

NR. 346. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi

Flaminio/Aria - Scuote e fa guerra, 1735 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.5.25

NR. 347. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi

Flaminio/Aria - Da rio funesto turbine, 1735 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.5.25

NR. 348. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi

Flaminio/Aria - Chi ha'l cor fra le catene, 1735 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.5.25

NR. 349. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi

Il prigionier superbo/Aria - Giusti Numi che scorgete, 1733 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.6.10/A-G

NR. 350. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi

Flaminio/Ouvertura, 1735 Napoli

Orchestration: 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.5.25

NR. 351. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi

Flaminio/Aria - Più crudele non mi dirai, 1735 Napoli

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.5.25

NR. 352. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi

Adriano in Siria/Aria - A un semplice istante, 1734 Napoli

Orchestration: Tenor, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.5.19-20

NR. 353. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi

Adriano in Siria/Aria - Leon piagato a morte, 1734 Napoli

Orchestration: Tenor, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.5.19-20

NR. 354. Tommaso Traetta

Antigona/Aria - Ah, giunto invan credei, 1772 St. Peterburg

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 355. Niccolò Jommelli

Armida abbandonata/Aria - Troppo da me pretendi, 1770 Napoli

Orchestration: Alto, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.6.24-26

NR. 356. Giovanni Bononcini

Xerse/Ouvertura, 1694 Roma

Orchestration: Strings and b.c.

Source: British Library London, Add. 22102

NR. 357. Giovanni Bononcini

Xerse/Aria - Ombra mai fu, 1694 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: British Library London, Add. 22102

NR. 358. Giovanni Bononcini

Xerse/Aria - Crude furie, 1694 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: British Library London, Add. 22102

NR. 359. Giovanni Bononcini

Xerse/Aria - Se bramate d'amar, 1694 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: British Library London, Add. 22102

NR. 360. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi

Olimpiade/Aria - Siam navi all' onde algenti, 1735 Roma

Orchestration: Tenor, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, RES VMB MS-106

NR. 361. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi

Olimpiade/Aria - So ch'è fanciullo Amore, 1735 Roma

Orchestration: Tenor, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, 17180.1

NR. 362. Domenico Cimarosa

La vergine del sole/Aria - Agitata in tante pene, 1788 St. Peterburg 

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, 2 clarinets, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 1.5.1-2

NR. 363. Antonio Vivaldi

Olimpiade/Aria - Siam navi all'onde algenti, 1734 Venezia 

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Nazionale Torino, Foà 39, f.1-140

NR. 364. Johann Christian Bach

La clemenza di Scipione/Aria - Infelice in van m'affanno, 1778 London 

Orchestration: Soprano, 1 flute, 1 oboe, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Welcker, London

NR. 365. Giovanni Bononcini

Griselda/Duetto - Dell' offesa vendicarti, 1722 London 

Orchestration: 2 Altos, strings and b.c.

Source: Benedictine Abbaye de Maredsous Denée, ms 46

NR. 366. Nicola Porpora

Lucio Papirio/Aria - Morte amara, 1737 Venezia 

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17551

NR. 367. Nicola Porpora

Angelica/Aria - Mentre rendo a te la vita, 1720 Napoli 

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17050.

NR. 368. Nicola Porpora

Semiramide riconosciuta/Aria - Vorrei spiegar l'affanno, 1739 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2417-F-2. 

NR. 369. Nicola Porpora

 Semiramide riconosciuta/Aria - Che quel cor, 1729 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Royal Academy of Music London, MS 81  

NR. 370. Johann Adolph Hasse

 Ruggiero/Aria - Di quello ch'io provo, 1771 Milano

Orchestration: Alto, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca del Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi  ms. 168 

NR. 371. Johann Adolph Hasse

 Ruggiero/Ouvertura, 1771 Milano

Orchestration: 2 oboes, 2 trumpets, 2 horns, timpani, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca del Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi  ms. 168 

NR. 372. Niccolò Jommelli

Armida abbandonata/Ouvertura, 1770 Napoli

Orchestration: 2 oboes, 2 horns, 2 trumpets, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.6.24-26

NR. 373. Niccolò Jommelli

Armida abbandonata/Aria - Non ti sdegnar mio bene, 1770 Napoli

Orchestration: Alto, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.6.24-26

NR. 374. Giovanni Paisiello

Annibale in Torino/Aria - Minacciando il vento e l'onda, 1771 Torino

Orchestration: Alto, 2 oboes, 2 trumpets, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 3.1.12-13.

NR. 375. Giovanni Paisiello

Annibale in Torino/Aria - La fiamma del suo core, 1771 Torino

Orchestration: Alto, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 3.1.12-13.

NR. 376. Nicola Porpora

Adelaide/Aria - Nobil onda, 1723 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, D-12741

NR. 377. Nicola Porpora

 Semiramide riconosciuta/Aria - Tu mi disprezzi ingrato, 1729 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Royal Academy of Music London, MS 81  

NR. 378. Nicola Porpora

Semiramide riconosciuta/Aria - Bel piacer, 1739 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2417-F-2. 

NR. 379. Nicola Porpora

Poro/Aria - Son prigioniera d'amore, 1731 Torino

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 380. Nicola Porpora

Il trionfo di Camilla/Ouvertura, 1740 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 trumpets, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2417-F-4

NR. 381. Nicola Porpora

Il trionfo di Camilla/Scuote la quercia annosa, 1740 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2417-F-4

NR. 382. Giuseppe Sarti

Giulio Sabino/Aria - Al caro bene, 1781 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Unknown publisher, Wien

NR. 383. Florian Leopold Gassmann

L'Opera seria/Aria - Delfin che al laccio infido, 1769 Wien

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 trumpets, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17775/1-3

NR. 384. Joseph Haydn

Orfeo/Aria - Al tuo seno fortunato, 1791 London

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 ob., 2 bn., 2 tr., 2 hr., strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Haydn, J. 57

NR. 385. Antonio Vivaldi

Ottone/Aria - Gelosia tu già rendi l'alma mia, 1713 Vicenza

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Nazionale Torino, MS FOA 37

NR. 386. Antonio Vivaldi

Ottone/Ouvertura, 1713 Vicenza

Orchestration: 2 oboes, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Nazionale Torino, MS FOA 37

NR. 387. Antonio Vivaldi

Ottone/Aria - Leggi almeno, 1713 Vicenza

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Nazionale Torino, MS FOA 37

NR. 388. Antonio Vivaldi

Ottone/Aria - Frema pur, 1713 Vicenza

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Nazionale Torino, MS FOA 37

NR. 389. Antonio Vivaldi

Orlando finto pazzo/Aria - La speranza, 1714 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Nazionale Torino, MS GIORDANO 38

NR. 390. Antonio Vivaldi

Orlando finto pazzo/Aria - Se in ogni guardo, 1714 Venezia

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Nazionale Torino, MS GIORDANO 38

NR. 391. Antonio Vivaldi

Arsilda/Aria - Tornar voglio, 1716 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Nazionale Torino, MS FOA 35

NR. 392. Antonio Vivaldi

Arsilda/Aria - Precipizio è del mio petto, 1716 Venezia

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Nazionale Torino, MS FOA 35

NR. 393. Antonio Vivaldi

Arsilda/Ouvertura, 1716 Venezia

Orchestration: Strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Nazionale Torino, MS FOA 35

NR. 394. Antonio Vivaldi

Arsilda/Aria - La tiranna avversa sorte, 1716 Venezia

Orchestration: Tenor, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Nazionale Torino, MS FOA 35

NR. 395. Antonio Vivaldi

Arsilda/Aria - L'esperto nocchiero, 1716 Venezia

Orchestration: Bass, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Nazionale Torino, MS FOA 35

NR. 396. Antonio Vivaldi

L'incoronazione di Dario/Ouvertura, 1717 Venezia

Orchestration: Strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Nazionale Torino, MS GIORDANO 38

NR. 397. Antonio Vivaldi

L'incoronazione di Dario/Aria - Perderò la bella mia, 1717 Venezia

Orchestration: Tenor, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Nazionale Torino, MS GIORDANO 38

NR. 398. Antonio Vivaldi

L'incoronazione di Dario/Aria - Arma il cor, 1717 Venezia

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Nazionale Torino, MS GIORDANO 38

NR. 399. Antonio Vivaldi

L'incoronazione di Dario/Aria - Ferri, ceppi, sangue e morte, 1717 Venezia

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Nazionale Torino, MS GIORDANO 38

NR. 400. Nicola Porpora

Gli orti esperidi/Duetto - Se fedel cor mio tu sei, 1721 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, alto, strings and b.c.

Source: British Library London, Add. 14118.

NR. 401. Antonio Vivaldi

Armida/Ouvertura, 1718 Venezia

Orchestration: Strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, MS FOA 38

NR. 402. Antonio Vivaldi

Armida/Aria - Tender lacci tu volesti, 1718 Venezia

Orchestration: Alto, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, MS FOA 38

NR. 403. Nicola Porpora

Issipile/Aria - Per difendere il mio bene, 1733 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 trumpets, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: The Library of Congress Washington, M1505.A1

NR. 404. Nicola Porpora

Temistocle/Aria - Fiero il ciel balena, 1718 Wien

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.18029

NR. 405. Nicola Porpora

Siroe/Aria - Fra l'orror della tempesta, 1727 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Royal College of Music London, MS 509

NR. 406. Nicola Porpora

Mitridate/Aria - Colomba sventurata, 1730 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Royal College of Music London, MS 509

NR. 407. Nicola Porpora

Mitridate/Aria - Vi lascia al fine, 1730 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Royal College of Music London, MS 509

NR. 408. Nicola Porpora

Siroe/Aria - Torrente cresciuto, 1727 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 obes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, VM7-7694

NR. 409. Nicola Porpora

Siface/Aria - Son pellegrino errante, 1725 Milano

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque royale Bruxelles, Ms II 3972 Mus Fétis 2530

NR. 410. Nicola Porpora

Siface/Aria - La speme mi dice, 1725 Milano

Orchestration: Soprano, oboe, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque royale Bruxelles, Ms II 3972 Mus Fétis 2530

NR. 411. Nicola Porpora

Siface/Aria - Tu che d'ardir m'accendi, 1725 Milano

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque royale Bruxelles, Ms II 3972 Mus Fétis 2530

NR. 412. Nicola Porpora

Statira/Aria - Asciuga su quegl'occhi, 1742 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2417-F-3

NR. 413. Nicola Porpora

Adelaide/Aria - Quel cor che mi donasti, 1723 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, D-12741

NR. 414. Nicola Porpora

Meride e Selinunte/Ouvertura, 1726 Venezia

Orchestration: 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2417-N-4a(4b)

NR. 415. Nicola Porpora

Angelica/Ouvertura, 1720 Napoli

Orchestration: 2 oboes, bassoon, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17050.

NR. 416. Nicola Porpora

Issipile/Aria - Impallidisce in campo, 1733 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 trumpets, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: The Library of Congress Washington, M1505.A1

NR. 417. Nicola Porpora

Filandro/Aria - Da qual parte, 1747 Dresden

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2417-F-5

NR. 418. Nicola Porpora

Adelaide/Aria - Volo il mio sangue, 1723 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, D-12741

NR. 419. Nicola Porpora

Ezio/Aria - Quanto mai felici siete, 1728 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Royal College of Music London, MS 79

NR. 420. Nicola Porpora

Imeneo/Aria - Pieno il core di timore, 1723 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, horn, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2417-F-1

NR. 421. Nicola Porpora

Issipile/Aria - Crudo Amor, 1733 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: The Library of Congress Washington, M1505.A1

NR. 422. Nicola Porpora

Il trionfo di Camilla/Aria - Bella mia gloria, 1740 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2417-F-4

NR. 423. Nicola Porpora

Lucio Papirio/Aria - Bel Nume d'amore, 1737 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17551  

NR. 424. Nicola Porpora

Statira/Aria - Sol fra scogli, 1742 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, 2 trumpets, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2417-F-3

NR. 425. Nicola Porpora

Statira/Aria - Desio d'impero, 1742 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2417-F-3

NR. 426. Nicola Porpora

Ezio/Aria - Ancor non premi il soglio, 1728 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Royal College of Music London, MS 79

NR. 427. Antonio Vivaldi

Teuzzone/Aria - Con palme ed allori, 1718 Mantova

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 trumpets, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 428. Antonio Vivaldi

Teuzzone/Aria - Son fra scogli e fra procelle, 1718 Mantova

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 trumpets, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 429. Antonio Vivaldi

Tito Manlio/Aria - Se non v'aprite al dì, 1719 Mantova

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, MS FOA 37

NR. 430. Antonio Vivaldi

Tito Manlio/Aria - Grida quel sangue, 1719 Mantova

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, MS FOA 37

NR. 431. Antonio Vivaldi

Tito Manlio/Aria - Combatta un gentil cor, 1719 Mantova

Orchestration: Soprano, trumpet, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, MS FOA 37

NR. 432. Antonio Vivaldi

Tito Manlio/Aria - Fra le procelle del mar turbato, 1719 Mantova

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, MS FOA 37

NR. 433. Antonio Salieri

Semiramide/Aria - Sente l'amica speme, 1782 München

Orchestration: Soprano, fl., ob., bn., 2 hr., 2 tr., strings and b.c.

Source: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München, 2523

NR. 434. Leonardo Leo

Diana amante/Aria - Donna illustre, 1717 Napoli

Orchestration: Mezzooprano, 2 Arciliuto, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, Cantate 176

NR. 435. Giovanni Paisiello

Il barbiere di Seviglia/Aria - Già riede primavera, 1782 St. Peterburg

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 ob., cl., bn., 2 hr., strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, 16.8.22-23

NR. 436. Giovanni Bononcini

La nuova gara di Giunone/Aria - Senza il soccorso vil 1705 Wien 

Orchestration: Soprano, violoncello and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17718

NR. 437. Giovanni Bononcini

Astarto/Aria - Stelle ingrate 1720 London 

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Royal College of Music London, MS 83

NR. 438. Giovanni Bononcini

Xerse/Aria - Si che vorrei morir, 1694 Roma

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: British Library London, Add. 22102

NR. 439. Giovanni Bononcini

Xerse/Aria - Si la voglio e l'otterò, 1694 Roma

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: British Library London, Add. 22102

NR. 440. Giovanni Bononcini

Abdolomino/Aria - Perfida gelosia, 1709 Wien

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17698/1-3  

NR. 441. Giovanni Bononcini

La costanza non gradita/Aria - Di vagheggiarvi solo, 1702 Berlin

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 442. Giovanni Bononcini

Polifemo/Aria - Voi del ciel Numi clementi, 1702 Berlin

Orchestration: Alto, 2 flutes and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, 2190

NR. 443. Giovanni Bononcini

Euleo festeggiante/Aria - De la tromba a' fieri carmi, 1699 Wien

Orchestration: Alto, trumpet, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.16288.

NR. 444. Giovanni Bononcini

Astarto/Aria - La costanza, il timore, l'affetto, 1720 London 

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Royal College of Music London, MS 83

NR. 445. Giovanni Bononcini

Mario Fuggitivo/Aria - Duri ferri superbi voi siete, 1708 Wien

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2193-F-2.

NR. 446. Antonio Vivaldi

La verità in cimento/Ouvertura, 1720 Venezia

Orchestration: Strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, MS FOA 33

NR. 447. Antonio Vivaldi

La verità in cimento/Aria - Mi vuoi tradir, 1720 Venezia

Orchestration: Alto, Strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, MS FOA 33

NR. 448. Andrea Bernasconi

La clemenza di Tito/Aria - Ah, se fosse intorno, 1770 München

Orchestration: Tenor, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München,

NR. 449. Andrea Bernasconi

La clemenza di Tito/Aria - Se all'impero, 1770 München

Orchestration: Tenor, 2 horns, violoncello, strings and b.c.

Source: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München,

NR. 450. Andrea Bernasconi

La clemenza di Tito/Aria - Del più sublime soglio, 1770 München

Orchestration: Tenor, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München,

NR. 451. Giovanni Bononcini

Griselda/Aria - Volgendo a me lo sguardo, 1722 London 

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 452. Giovanni Bononcini

Griselda/Aria - Le fere a risvegliar, 1722 London 

Orchestration: Alto, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 453. Giovanni Bononcini

Griselda/Aria - Dolce sogno, 1722 London 

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Benedictine Abbaye de Maredsous Denée, ms 46

NR. 454. Quirino Gasparini

Mitridate/Aria - Se di lauri il crine adorno, 1767 Torino

Orchestration: Tenor, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München, 20869

NR. 455. Pietro Alessandro Guglielmi

Alceste/Aria - Veggo la sposa o Dio, 1768 Milano

Orchestration: Tenor, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, D-5084

NR. 456. Pietro Alessandro Guglielmi

Alceste/Aria - Ah, m'opprime il mio cordoglio, 1768 Milano

Orchestration: Tenor, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, D-5084

NR. 457. Andrea Bernasconi

La clemenza di Tito/Ouvertura, 1770 München

Orchestration: Tenor, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München,

NR. 458. Antonio Vivaldi

Farnace/Ouvertura, 1731 Pavia

Orchestration: Strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, Ms Giordano 36

NR. 459. Ferdinando Bertoni

Tancredi/Aria - Della mia sorte tiranna, 1766 Torino

Orchestration: Tenor, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, VM4-40

NR. 460. Antonio Vivaldi

Farnace/Aria - Da quel ferro, 1731 Pavia

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, Ms Giordano 36

NR. 461. Antonio Vivaldi

Farnace/Aria - Quell'usignolo, 1731 Pavia

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, Ms Giordano 36

NR. 462. Giuseppe Maria Orlandini

Nerone/Aria - Muore il cigno, 1721 Venezia

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Mus.Ms.16370

NR. 463. Nicola Porpora

Ezio/Ouvertura, 1728 Venezia

Orchestration: 2 oboes, 2 trumpets, strings and b.c.

Source: Royal College of Music London, MS 79

NR. 464. Johann Adolph Hasse

Olimpiade/Aria - Superbo di me stesso, 1756 Dresden

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2477-F-83

NR. 465. Johann Adolph Hasse

Artemisia/Aria - D'un cor disperato, 1754 Dresden

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Albertina Leipzig, N.I.10291a-c

NR. 466. Johann Adolph Hasse

Solimano/Aria - Già sereno il dì sperai, 1753 Dresden

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, 1 oboe, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2477-F-68

NR. 467. Johann Adolph Hasse

Cajo Fabricio/Aria - Non mi chiamar crudele, 1732 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2477-F-109.

NR. 468. Johann Adolph Hasse

Ezio/Aria - Se fedele mi brama, 1755 Dresden

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2477-F-7

NR. 469. Johann Adolph Hasse

Cajo Fabricio/Aria - Lo sposo va a morte, 1732 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2477-F-109.

NR. 470. Johann Adolph Hasse

Solimano/Aria - Di quell' acciaro al lampo, 1753 Dresden

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2477-F-68

NR. 471. Johann Adolph Hasse

Cajo Fabricio/Aria - Caro sposo, 1732 Roma

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2477-F-109.

NR. 472. Johann Adolph Hasse

Arminio/Aria - Veggo il mio fato, 1753 Dresden

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2477-F-5

NR. 473. Giovanni Battista Lampugnani

Alfonso/Aria - Non val forza, 1744 London

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 474. Giovanni Battista Lampugnani

Alceste/Aria - Questo bacio, queste lacrime, 1744 London

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.1-F-82,15-2

NR. 475. Giovanni Battista Lampugnani

Alessandro/Aria - Senza procelle ancora, 1741 London

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 476. Giovanni Battista Lampugnani

Alessandro/Aria - Vedrai con tuo periglio, 1741 London

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 477. Baldassare Galuppi

Olimpiade/Aria - Superbo di me stesso, 1747 Milano

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2973-F-20

NR. 478. Baldassare Galuppi

Demetrio/Aria - Non so frenare il pianto, 1748 Wien

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, 2 flutes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, D-4277, D-4278 & D-4279

NR. 479. Baldassare Galuppi

Sirbace/Aria - Quando vedrai, 1743 London

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2973-F-33.

NR. 480. Baldassare Galuppi

Scipione in Cartagine/Aria - Di madre ai cari amplessi, 1742 London

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, 2 trumpets, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 481. Baldassare Galuppi

Penelope/Aria - A questa bianca mano, 1741 London

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, 2 oboes, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 482. Baldassare Galuppi

Artaserse/Aria - Fra cento affanni, 1749 Wien

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2973-F-34,15 

NR. 483. Baldassare Galuppi

Il trionfo della continenza/Aria - Parto, parto, 1746 London

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 484. Christoph Willibald Gluck

Semiramide/Aria - Non saprei qual doppia voce, 1748 Wien

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, 2 horns, violino, violoncello, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17793/1-3  

NR. 485. Georg Christoph Wagenseil

Alessandro nell'Indie/Aria - Destrier che all'armi usato, 1748 Wien

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17793/1-3  

NR. 486. Carl Heinrich Graun

Rodelinda/Ouvertura, 1741 Berlin

Orchestration: 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 487. Carl Heinrich Graun

Montezuma/Ouvertura, 1755 Berlin

Orchestration: 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 bassoons, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Am.B 209

NR. 488. Carl Heinrich Graun

Demofoonte/Aria - O più tremar non voglio, 1746 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Am.B 194

NR. 489. Carl Heinrich Graun

Rodelinda/Aria - Fonte ch'accresci l'onda, 1741 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 490. Carl Heinrich Graun

Ezio/Aria - Caro mio ben, 1755 Berlin

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2953-F-8.

NR. 491. Antonio Vivaldi

Orlando furioso/Aria - Sol da te mio dolce amore, 1727 Venezia

Orchestration: Alto, flute, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, Ms Giordano 39 bis

NR. 492. Antonio Vivaldi

Orlando furioso/Aria - Nel profondo cieco mondo, 1727 Venezia

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, Ms Giordano 39 bis

NR. 493. Carl Heinrich Graun

Alessandro e Poro/Aria - Dov'è? S'affretti per me la morte, 1744 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, D.4997

NR. 494. Antonio Vivaldi

Orlando furioso/Aria - Alza in quegl'occhi, 1727 Venezia

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, Ms Giordano 39 bis

NR. 495. Antonio Vivaldi

Orlando furioso/Aria - Sorge l'irato nembo, 1727 Venezia

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, Ms Giordano 39 bis

NR. 496. Antonio Vivaldi

Atenaide/Aria - Mai s'accendi di sdegno, 1728 Firenze

Orchestration: Tenor, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, Ms Giordano 39

NR. 497. Antonio Vivaldi

Atenaide/Aria - Quanto posso a me fò schermo, 1728 Firenze

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, Ms Giordano 39

NR. 498. Antonio Vivaldi

Argippo/Aria - Se lento ancora il fulmine, 1730 Praha

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, 245

NR. 499. Antonio Vivaldi

Argippo/Aria - Anche il mezzo a perigliosa, 1730 Praha

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, 245

NR. 500. Antonio Vivaldi

Argippo/Aria - Io son rea, tu sei reo, 1730 Praha

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, 245

NR. 501. Antonio Vivaldi

La fida ninfa/Aria - Alma opressa, 1732 Verona

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, MS FOA 39 bis

NR. 502. Antonio Vivaldi

La fida ninfa/Aria - Il mio core, 1732 Verona

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, MS FOA 39 bis

NR. 503. Antonio Vivaldi

La fida ninfa/Aria - Destin avaro, 1732 Verona

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, MS FOA 39 bis

NR. 504. Antonio Vivaldi

La fida ninfa/Aria - Non tempesta che gl'alberi, 1732 Verona

Orchestration: Tenor, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, MS FOA 39 bis

NR. 505. Antonio Vivaldi

Montezuma/Aria - Brilleran per noi, 1733 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sing-Akademie zu Berlin, SA 1214

NR. 506. Antonio Vivaldi

Montezuma/Aria - D'ira e furor armato, 1733 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, trumpet, strings and b.c.

Source: Sing-Akademie zu Berlin, SA 1214

NR. 507. Attilio Ariosti

Marte placato/Aria - Se tu m'amassi ancor, 1707 Wien

Orchestration: Soprano, mandolin and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.19125  

NR. 508. Antonio Caldara

L'Inimico generoso/Aria - Deh lasciate mi o pensieri, 1709 Wien

Orchestration: Soprano, tiorba, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17200 

NR. 509. Johann Joseph Fux

Le nozze d'Aurora/Aria - Se chiedi al pino in mar, 1722 Wien

Orchestration: Soprano, tiorba, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17262/1-2

NR. 510. Leonardo Leo

Olimpiade/Aria - Più non si trovano, 1737 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Badische Landesbibliothek Karlsruhe, Don Mus.Ms. 1219

NR. 511. Nicola Porpora

Arianna in Nasso/Ouvertura, 1733 London

Orchestration: 2 fl., 2 ob., 1 bsn., 2 tr., 2 hn., strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17954

NR. 512. Nicola Porpora

Arianna in Nasso/Aria - Più l'impresa perigli n'appresta, 1733 London

Orchestration: Bass, 2 oboes, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17954

NR. 513. Nicola Porpora

Arianna in Nasso/Aria - Orgogliose, procellose, 1733 London

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17954

NR. 514. Nicola Porpora

Arianna in Nasso/Aria - Numi vi cedo, 1733 London

Orchestration: Alto, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17954

NR. 515. Carl Heinrich Graun

Adriano in Siria/Ouvertura, 1746 Berlin

Orchestration: 2 oboes, 2 Horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, D.5006

NR. 516. Carl Heinrich Graun

Catone in Utica/Ouvertura, 1743 Berlin

Orchestration: 2 Oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, Musique D-5000

NR. 517. Carl Heinrich Graun

Cinna/Ouvertura, 1748 Berlin

Orchestration: 2 Oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2953-F-5

NR. 518. Georg Reutter

Alcide/Aria - Soletto al mio caro, 1729 Wien

Orchestration: Soprano, salterio and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek WienMus.Hs.18309 

NR. 519. Georg Reutter

Alcessandro il Grande/Aria - Dal nostro nuovo aspetto, 1732 Wien

Orchestration: Soprano, salterio, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17972

NR. 520. Georg Reutter

La generosità di Artaserse/Aria - Porti il sole, 1731 Wien

Orchestration: Alto, salterio and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17970  

NR. 521. Georg Reutter

La magnanamità di Alessandro/Aria - Venga l'età vetusta, 1729 Wien

Orchestration: Soprano, salterio, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.18015  

NR. 522. Georg Reutter

L'alloro illustrato/Aria - È l'amor sinche prevale, 1738 Wien

Orchestration: Soprano, salterio, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17988 

NR. 523. Georg Reutter

Archidamia/Aria - Dura legge, 1727 Wien

Orchestration: Soprano, salterio, archiliuto and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs. 17966 

NR. 524. Antonio Vivaldi

Olimpiade/Ouvertura, 1734 Venezia 

Orchestration: Strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Nazionale Torino, Foà 39, f.1-140

NR. 525. Antonio Vivaldi

Olimpiade/Aria - Mentre dormi Amor fomenti, 1734 Venezia 

Orchestration: Alto, horn, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Nazionale Torino, Foà 39, f.1-140

NR. 526. Antonio Vivaldi

Olimpiade/Aria - Lo seguitai felice, 1734 Venezia 

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Nazionale Torino, Foà 39, f.1-140

NR. 527. Antonio Vivaldi

Bajazet/Ouvertura, 1735 Verona

Orchestration: 2 Horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, MS Giordano 36

NR. 528. Antonio Vivaldi

Bajazet/Aria - Svena, uccidi, 1735 Verona

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, MS Giordano 36

NR. 529. Antonio Vivaldi

Andromeda liberata/Aria - Sovente il sole, 1726 Venezia

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana Venezia, Ms. Correr B.9.6.

NR. 530. Antonio Vivaldi

Griselda/Ouvertura, 1735 Venezia

Orchestration: Strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nationale di Torino, Mss.60.II.Vivaldi.16 1 4.2

NR. 531. Antonio Vivaldi

Griselda/Aria - Scocca dardi l'altero tuo ciglio, 1735 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nationale di Torino, Mss.60.II.Vivaldi.16 1 4.2

NR. 532. Antonio Vivaldi

Griselda/Aria - Ombre vane, ingiusti orrori, 1735 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nationale di Torino, Mss.60.II.Vivaldi.16 1 4.2

NR. 533. Antonio Vivaldi

Griselda/Aria - Dopo un'orrida procella, 1735 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nationale di Torino, Mss.60.II.Vivaldi.16 1 4.2

NR. 534. Antonio Vivaldi

Catone in Utica/Aria - Come invano, 1737 Verona

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nationale di Torino, Ms. Foà 38

NR. 535. Antonio Vivaldi

Semiramide/Aria - Dal trono in cui t'aggiri, 1731 Mantova

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2389-I-1.

NR. 536. Nicola Porpora

Arianna in Nasso/Aria - A contesa di due belle, 1733 London

Orchestration: Bass, 2 oboes, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17954

NR. 537. Nicola Porpora

Arianna in Nasso/Duetto - In amoroso petto, 1733 London

Orchestration: Soprano, Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17954

NR. 538. Antonio Caldara

Ifigenia in Aulide/Aria - Passerò con chi svenò, 1718 Wien

Orchestration: Alto, flute (violin) and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.18255/1-3  

NR. 539. Antonio Caldara

Andromaca/Aria - Consigliala ad amarmi, 1724 Wien

Orchestration: Soprano, violin and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.18222/1-5  

NR. 540. Johann Joseph Fux

Dafne in Lauro/Aria - Questa fronda, 1714 Wien

Orchestration: Alto, teorba, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17249  

NR. 541. Georg Reutter

Diana vendicata/Aria - Dall'Ozio impara 1736 Wien

Orchestration: Alto, flute (violin) and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs.17985/1-4  

NR. 542. Antonio Vivaldi

Tito Manlio/Aria - Sempre copra, 1719 Mantova

Orchestration: Alto, flute piccolo and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, MS FOA 37

NR. 543. Nicola Porpora

Ifigenia in Aulide/Ouvertura, 1735 London

Orchestration: 2 flutes, 2 oboes, bassoon, strings and b.c.

Source: British Library London, R.M.23.a.4-6.

NR. 544. Nicola Porpora

Ifigenia in Aulide/Aria - Tu spietato non farai, 1735 London

Orchestration: Alto, 2 oboes, bassoon, strings and b.c.

Source: British Library London, R.M.23.a.4-6.

NR. 545. Nicola Porpora

Ifigenia in Aulide/Aria - Son nostre forze, 1735 London

Orchestration: Bass, strings and b.c.

Source: British Library London, R.M.23.a.4-6.

NR. 546. Johann Adolph Hasse

Enea in Caonia/Aria - Le memorande imprese, 1727 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, Cantate 158

NR. 547. Johann Adolph Hasse

Cajo Fabbrizio/Aria - Nocchier che teme, 1732 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, D.5399

NR. 548. Johann Adolph Hasse

Irene/Aria - Fier contrasto, 1738 Dresden

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2477-F-24

NR. 549. Johann Adolph Hasse

Didone abbandonata/Aria - Tu mi disarmi il fianco, 1742 Dresden

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana Venice, Mss.It.IV.266

NR. 550. Johann Adolph Hasse

Didone abbandonata/Aria - Cadrà fra poco, 1742 Dresden

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana Venice, Mss.It.IV.266

NR. 551. Johann Adolph Hasse

Siroe/Aria - Se pugnar non sai, 1763 Dresden

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2477-F-17

NR. 552. Johann Adolph Hasse

Siroe/Aria - Contente non siete, 1763 Dresden

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2477-F-17

NR. 553. Carl Heinrich Graun

Montezuma/Aria - Non han calma, 1755 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Am.B 209

NR. 554. Carl Heinrich Graun

Montezuma/Duetto - Ah, sol per te, 1755 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, alto, 2 flutes, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Am.B 209

NR. 555. Carl Heinrich Graun

Montezuma/Aria - Ah, immaginar non puoi, 1755 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 556. Carl Heinrich Graun

Montezuma/Aria - Barbaro che mi sei, 1755 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Am.B 209

NR. 557. Carl Heinrich Graun

Montezuma/Aria - L'onor del soglio, 1755 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Am.B 209

NR. 558. Carl Heinrich Graun

Merope/Ouvertura, 1756 Berlin

Orchestration: 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Vienna, Mus.Hs.19205

NR. 559. Carl Heinrich Graun

Merope/Aria - Quando a fronte, 1756 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Vienna, Mus.Hs.19205

NR. 560. Carl Heinrich Graun

Rodelinda/Aria - L'empio rigor del fato, 1741 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 561. Carl Heinrich Graun

Rodelinda/Aria - Cadrà l'iniquo essangue, 1741 Berlin

Orchestration: soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 562. Carl Heinrich Graun

Rodelinda/Aria - Ben provo che in petto, 1741 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 563. Carl Heinrich Graun

Cesare e Cleopatra/Duetto - Ecco mio ben l'istante, 1742 Berlin

Orchestration: 2 Sopranos, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2953-F-2.

NR. 564. Carl Heinrich Graun

Cesare e Cleopatra/Aria -L'ombra amata, 1742 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2953-F-2.

NR. 565. Carl Heinrich Graun

Cesare e Cleopatra/Aria - Sento mio dolce amore, 1742 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2953-F-2.

NR. 566. Josef Myslivecek

Nitteti/Aria - Se il labbro nol dice, 1770 Bologna

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Real Conservatorio de Música de Madrid A.R.A.Leg.135(158) 

NR. 567. Giovanni Paisiello

Sismano in Mogol/Aria - Quanto d'intorno io miro, 1773 Milano

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio S. Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 2.9.20-21 

NR. 568. Niccolò Jommelli

Armida abbandonata/Aria - Ah, ti sento, 1770 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.6.24-26

NR. 569. Niccolò Jommelli

Armida abbandonata/Aria - Odio, furor, dispetto, 1770 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.6.24-26

NR. 570. Niccolò Piccinni

Cesare in Egitto/Aria - In che v'offese, 1770 Milano

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 2.1.13-14.

NR. 571. Giovanni Paisiello

Annibale in Torino/Aria - Se a te sol penso, 1771 Torino

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 3.1.12-13.

NR. 572. Pietro Alessandro Guglielmi

Ruggiero/Aria - Non risana un cor, 1770 Verona

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München,

NR. 573. Antonio Vivaldi

Olimpiade/Aria - Quel destrier, 1734 Venezia 

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca Nazionale Torino, Foà 39, f.1-140

NR. 574. Johann Christian Bach

Adriano in Siria/Aria - Cara la dolce fiamma, 1765 London 

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, bassoon, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - Welcher, London

NR. 575. Johann Adolph Hasse

La clemenza di Tito/Ouvertura, 1735 Pesaro 

Orchestration: 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.4.10

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