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NR. 1. Riccardo Broschi

Artaserse/Aria - Son qual nave ch'agitata, 1734 London

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 2. Giovanni Bononcini

Griselda/Aria - Per la gloria d’adorarvi, 1722 London 

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Royal Academy of Music London, MS 90

NR. 3. Giovanni Battista Lampugnani

Meraspe/Aria - Superbo di me stesso, 1742 London 

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 4. Niccolò Piccinni

La buona figliuola (Cecchina)/Aria - Furie di donna irata, 1760 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus. 3264-F-9

NR. 5. Carl Heinrich Graun

Orfeo/Aria - In mirar la mia sventura, 1752 Berlin

Orchestration: Alto, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,

NR. 6. Carl Heinrich Graun

Britannico/Aria - Mi paventi il figlio, 1751 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Am.B 205 

NR. 7. Riccardo Broschi

Idaspe/Aria - Qual guerriero in campo armato, 1730 Venezia

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs. 18281.  

NR. 8. Tomaso Albinoni

Il nascimento dell'Aurora/Aria - Questa fronda, ?1710 Venezia

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs. 17738.  

NR. 9. Leonardo Vinci

Artaserse/Aria - Vo solcando un mar crudele, 1730 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.3.12. 

NR. 10. Antonio Vivaldi

Farnace/Aria - Gelido in ogni vena, 1731 Pavia

Orchestration: Tenor, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nazionale Torino, MS Giordano 36

NR. 11. Antonio Vivaldi

Griselda/Aria - Agitata da due venti, 1735 Venezia

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Biblioteca nationale di Torino, Mss.60.II.Vivaldi.16 1 4.2

NR. 12. Riccardo Broschi

Idaspe/Aria - Ombra fedele, 1730, Venezia

Orchestration: Mezzosoprano, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien, Mus.Hs. 18281.  

NR. 13. Carl Heinrich Graun

Cesare e Cleopatra/Ouvertura, 1742 Berlin

Orchestration: 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2953-F-2.

NR. 14. Nicola Porpora

Semiramide riconosciuta/Aria - Talor se il vento freme, 1739 Napoli

Orchestration: Tenor, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2417-F-2.

NR. 15. Nicola Porpora

Semiramide riconosciuta/Aria - Passaggier, 1739 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2417-F-2. 

NR. 16. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi

Adriano in Siria/Aria - Torbido in volto, 1734 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, I - strings and b.c., II - 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.5.19-20

NR. 17. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi

Adriano in Siria/Aria - Lieto così talvolta, 1734 Napoli

Orchestration: Soprano, 1 oboe, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.5.19-20


NR. 18. Leonardo Vinci

Semiramide riconosciuta/Aria - In braccio a mille furie, 1729 Roma

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 trumpets, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari 7.3.18.

NR. 19. Johann Adolph Hasse

Cleofide/Aria - Generoso risvegliati o core, 1731 Dresden

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2477-F-9.

NR. 20. Johann Adolph Hasse

Cleofide/Aria - Son qual misera colomba, 1731 Dresden

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2477-F-9

NR. 21. Carl Heinrich Graun

Cesare e Cleopatra/Aria - Voglio strage e sangue voglio, 1742 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2953-F-2.

NR. 22. Carl Heinrich Graun

Cesare e Cleopatra/Aria - Quel che lontano dal bene amato, 1742 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2953-F-2.

NR. 23. Giovanni Bononcini

Astarto/Aria - L'onor severo, 1720 London

Orchestration: Alto, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 24. Carl Heinrich Graun

Cesare e Cleopatra/Aria - Sopportar non devo, 1742 Berlin

Orchestration: Soprano, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.2953-F-2.

NR. 25. Giovanni Bononcini

Astarto/Duetto - Mio caro ben, 1720 London

Orchestration: 2 Sopranos, strings and b.c.

Source: First print - John Walsh, London

NR. 26. Maria Antonia Walpurgis

Talestri/Ouvertura, 1763 Dresden

Orchestration: 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, Mus.3199-F-2.

NR. 27. Niccolò Piccinni

Catone in Utica/Aria - Vento che ascoso freme, 1770 Mannheim

Orchestration: Soprano, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and b.c.

Source: Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella Napoli, Rari Corn. 1.23-25.

NR. 28. Carl Heinrich Graun

Cesare e Cleopatra/Aria - Se avvien che si posi, 1742 Berlin